A damp survey is typically carried out on an annual basis but can be done at shorter intervals if certain conditions prevail. Surveying for possible dampness is often an important part of the Estate Agent’s remit and can be crucial in helping to avoid disputes between sellers and buyers. You can see here https://advanceddamp.co.uk/damp-survey/ for more information.

In many cases, if a property is found to have dampness issues, the surveyor will offer advice as to how these can be fixed. In some cases, surveyors might merely make a note of the presence or absence of damp without making any recommendations or suggestions. A detailed investigation is often necessary to determine if there is a damp issue, how severe it is and what can be done about it should it exist.

What does the survey look for?

A damp survey will typically involve the taking of a number of measurements both indoors and outdoors. The surveyor will record the temperature and humidity levels in both areas before taking readings in more specific places, whilst also observing for signs of any condensation buildup particularly around windows.

Here is what a damp surveyor does:

  1. Measure temperatures

The surveyor will look for relative humidity (RH%) and temperature on a scale of 1 to 100. 100 would be ‘damp’, 80-89 per cent RH would be ‘intermediate’, 70-79 per cent RH would be ‘normal’ and 60-69 per cent RH – ‘dry’.

  1. Measure Condensation Levels

Windows and doors can become discolored due to condensation but the surveyor needs to ensure that no further damage has occurred due to water ingress.

cost of a damp survey

  1. Water Presence

The surveyor will check for leaks or water intrusion. If a property is wood-framed, the surveyor will look for rot.

  1. Roof checks

The roof space is checked for standing water and signs of leaks or damage which can lead to a leaky roof.

  1. The surveyor will check for dampness in the building’s timbers
  2. Under-floor checks

Carpets, flooring and plaster can hide signs of dampness, so the surveyor will check for rising dampness in the floor boards.

  1. External inspection

The surveyor will look at whether gutters are blocked or draining properly, garden paths and drains will be checked for any sign of water ponding. The exterior of the property and its surroundings will also be checked for any sign of dampness.

  1. Damage survey

The surveyor will visually inspect the property, look for signs of dampness build up and have a look at the roof space which might have developed dampness discolouration.